Tips for Positioning Your Space Heater
For those who live in a cold-weather climate or simply want some extra warmth during chilly nights, electric heaters are a valuable investment. Not only do they make living areas more comfortable, but electric heaters can also be an efficient way to save energy and reduce your heating bills by warming the room you’re in and lowering your whole-house thermostat. But there’s more to it than just buying an electric heater and plugging it in. In order to get the full benefits from a warming device – and to avoid any safety issues – you must place the heater in just the right spot.
If you’re unsure where to position your brand-new electric heater, consider these following tips.
Room Service
The most important aspect to remember about space heaters is that while they can keep you toasty, they aren’t made to warm up an entire home. Electric heaters work best when they heat up a confined space, such as the area around a desk or a reading chair. Take a look around your room and decide where your heater will be most useful. It may also help to choose an area that can be closed off by doors, so you can better trap in the heat. Need to spread heat with wide, sweeping motion? Lasko’s tower heaters oscillate to help disperse, warming, comfortable air throughout your room.
Keep it Dry
Because moisture can damage most electric heaters, they should be kept away from areas where they can easily be harmed by water or dampness. If you want a way to take the chill out of a chilly bathroom or laundry room, choose a heater that is specifically designed for bathrooms with special safeguards for moist spaces. Avoid placing electric space heaters in locations where spills are likely to occur, such as near a sink in the kitchen.
Off the Wall
Once you choose the area that needs heat the most, make sure that the heater is placed a foot or two from the wall. If you need to warm a more confined space, like a hallway, several Lasko room heaters are designed to be placed at the wall, with intake and exhaust vents on the front of the unit. All electric heaters, however, should be positioned away from flammable materials like curtains.
Buffer Zones
Although portable heaters tend to be small and compact, they can’t be placed just anywhere – especially if you have small children or pets. When they’re turned on and working at full power, heat output areas can become very hot. To prevent injuries such as burns, heating devices should have a 3-foot buffer zone. They should also be kept out of the paths of your children or four-legged friends, so make sure that the room in which you use your heater has a clear entryway. A corner or end table may be your best bet.